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Registration Process

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Enrollment Checklist

Columbus State Community College (New Students Only): New students MUST complete the online admissions application for Columbus State Community College. New students will also need to complete and return the Columbus State Community College Authorization to Release Information form to our office. More information can be given at time of Student Enrollment Confirmation.

Student Registration Form: All students, whether new or returning, must complete, sign and return the ABC Central Ohio Student Registration Form. A student’s Social Security Number is required for proper registration with NCCER and Columbus State Community College. The following documents must be submitted with your ABC Central Ohio Student Registration Form:

• Certified High School Diploma, GED Certificate of Completion, or current proof of enrollment in a GED program.
• DD-214 form (Veterans Only)
• Documentation of Previous School, RI or OJT Credit (New Students Only)

Incomplete Applications Will Not Be Accepted

Apprenticeship Agreement (New Students Only): Following submission of their Student Registration Form, new students will receive an Apprenticeship Agreement that sets forth the number of RI and OJT hours a student will be required to take; the number of hours credited to them; and their time remaining. The Apprenticeship Agreement must be signed and returned prior to enrollment.

Voucher of Credit for Previous Experience: New students expecting to receive credit for previous related instruction or on-the-job training MUST provide a signed Voucher of Credit for Previous Experience. This form MUST accompany the Student Registration Form. Payroll reports and documentation such as transcripts of the previous coursework taken must also be submitted as proof of credit. Failure to provide this Voucher of Credit Form and/or the necessary back-up documentation will result in no credit given at time of registration.

Student Acknowledgement Form (New Students Only): New students will be provided a copy of the ABC Central Ohio Apprenticeship Student Handbook when they submit their Apprenticeship Agreement. The Acknowledgement Form must be returned by the student to ABC Central Ohio prior to their first day of class.

Subscribing Employer Agreement (Companies Only): Companies must provide a signed copy of the ABC Central Ohio Subscribing Employer Agreement for the current training year, if one is not already on file. If a subscribing employer has elected to maintain an in-house training program, that company must also provide a copy of the ABC Central Ohio In-House Training Administrative Support Form.

Class Schedules (All Students): Subscribing employers will receive notification of their student’s class schedule approximately three weeks prior to the start of class. In the event a subscribing employer has students who are new to the ABC Central Ohio apprenticeship program, an orientation date will also be communicated within this notification.

Orientation (New Students): All new students are required to attend a scheduled orientation session. Every attempt is made to schedule these sessions prior to enrollment; however, due to the nature of the registration period, this cannot always be done. Regardless of when sessions are offered, every new student is required to attend one to familiarize themselves with course requirements, including attendance, communication policies, how to turn in OJT forms, etc.

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