While most construction has continued unabated as an “essential” business, there have nonetheless been some delays and shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Per the Governor’s “Responsible RestartOhio” initiative, the following mandatory precautions must be adhered to…

Employees, Distributors, and Guests

  • Ensure minimum six foot distances between people. If this is not possible, barriers must be installed; this may include use of appropriate safety-related coverings.
  • If employees are symptomatic, they must stay home.
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times.
  • Regular handwashing is required; this suggests a need to have adequate handwashing stations and sanitizer available for use.
  • Stagger or limit arrivals of employees and guests.
  • Personnel who can work from home, should continue to work from home.
Shift Pattern
  • Daily disinfection of desks and workstations.
  • Change shift patterns to fewer shifts.
  • Stagger lunch and break times.
Physical Spaces and Workstations
  • Ensure minimum six foot distances between people. If this is not possible, barriers must be installed.
  • Space areas to allow for distancing.
  • Regulate the maximum number of people in common areas.
  • Establish maximum space capacities; the state used 50% of fire code allowances as an example.
Confirmed Cases
  • Immediately isolate and seek medical care for any individual who develops symptoms while at work.
  • Contact the local health district about suspected cases or exposure.
  • Shutdown areas for deep sanitation if possible.


Many of these mandates resulted from recommendations made to the Governor’s Office directly from the construction industry. ABC of Ohio provided its own recommendations to promote safe and healthy construction work environments. The three ABC chapters have subsequently created a new website showing our commitment to providing safe working conditions for all of Ohio’s skilled workers.